Author: medguard

5 Asthma Self-Care Tips to Boost Workplace Productivity

Increased Energy & Focus: Struggling for breath at the workplace drains energy levels. It makes a person feel fatigued and takes away the ability to concentrate. However, if you manage... Read More

How to Accurately Measure Your Height At Home?

Be it an infant or teenager, measuring height accurately is necessary for growth and other health issues. Measuring height is not only important in medical check-ups but also helps in... Read More

The first nine months of life which includes the prenatal period is when people grow at their fastest rate. But the development rate somehow decreases after birth. Many parents do... Read More

In various industries, including healthcare, food service, and laboratory settings, properly using hygiene gloves is essential to prevent cross-contamination. Cross-contamination can lead to serious health risks, making it crucial to... Read More

How to Dispose of Sharps Safely?

Medical waste is not the same as regular household waste. They contain infectious and sharp items from medical treatments and laboratories. And coming into contact with such waste can lead... Read More

How to Prevent Needle Stick Injury

Also known as the needle stick injury, it occurs when the skin gets punctured by a used needle accidentally. This may seem like a normal cut but can lead to... Read More

What are the Best Practices to Ensure While Disposing Of Syringes?

Have you ever had a lot of insulin syringes at home and wondered how you can get rid of those? Well, this is indeed quite a common problem as most people do... Read More

Essential Uses for ConvaTec Aquacel AG+ Extra in Your First Aid Dressing Kit

When it comes to maintaining an effective first aid kit, selecting the right wound care products is crucial. One standout option is ConvaTec Aquacel AG+ Extra, an advanced wound dressing... Read More

How to Treat Hyperglycemia (High Blood Sugar)?

When any person does not treat Hyperglycemia or avoids taking insulin syringes, it can harm the nerves, blood vessels and tissues. Not only that, but the organs are also at great risk.... Read More